Monday, 26 October 2015

ESPKU Conference Conclusion

This has been an amazing weekend for me and it's been such a roller coaster ride. From the emotional meeting of the relatives of the people who's discoveries saved my life; to the complex and interesting studies of the potential future treatments of PKU. I have met people that have such passion and love for their families, their patients and for the improvement of their own lives. 
The theme of the conference was building bridges. Many permanent bridges have been built for me, I have made friends with so many wonderful passionate people and I have met many companies who design and produce the food I am eating every day and are always striving for new products. 

At the end of these conferences I like to think to myself, what have I learnt? What will I take from this experience and put it into my life back home?

What I've learnt is that there are people even now still fighting my corner for a better quality of life. I have learnt that even though the low protein food situation in the UK is not ideal, I am very lucky with what I do have and what I can eat. I've learnt that Germany is a beautiful country which I would happily go back to in a second! 

What can I take from this experience?
I can take home the feeling of knowing that I am not alone in this, that there are people who can support me and go through the exact same feelings I do. I've taken home a few more ideas for food and recipes and maybe, just maybe the thought that I can always do better with my diet. There is no more excuses for not eating properly, it just isn't worth it, I will try harder as I know and I've always known it's what's best for me. 

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